Poor little Cannon! It's good to hear that he will be okay but that is still scary he got so sick. I will keep him in my prayers. That's fun that Troy's family was able to stop in unexpectedly, too bad they couldn;t make it to their party though. How much snow is there now? We have had a good 60 degree low for the winter here ;)
We had a baptism for Kassie Webb yesterday! It was a really good service. The room was packed and she had a ton of her non-member friends there as well and her whole non-member family. It was really neat. I would say probably one of the best services I have been to. While she was getting changed she wanted it to be a really good missionary opportunity (she is a solid missionary already, she would bring a different non-member friend to all of her lessons we had with her) and so me and Elder Dean taught a sweet lesson and the spirit was so strong. Things are going to happen from that experience. At the end Kassie even got up and bore her testimony on her own desire and was bold and spared no shyness. She even told her mom that she was going to get baptized next and she shook her head yes. Not a dry eye in the room (expect mine, I don't cry ;) ) The rest of the week was awesome too. We picked up a few new investigators that are solid so we are excited to work with them. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas! The members here take care of us very well so don't worry about me! I love you all!
Elder Jolley
Here is a picture from our Christmas Zone Conference. I am back row, left of center
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